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Hi -Res Pictures


9m with radial interior

10m curve structure

four Romsey Pagoda entrance

12m clear bell-end entrance a
Coversapn porch entrance a
3m Romsey Pagoda 2011 a
Coverspan shop stall a
9m Solent canopy entrance a
9m Cruciform interior a
9m x 21m pleated white linings a
Cq classic lining walls dark chocalate swags with inspirational chesterfield a
Cruciform with 9m Ivory starlight a
CQ classic lining roof and gable in dark chocalate a
12m curve atrium entrance a
Curved beam used as walkway woth 90 degree turn a
12m curve roof with one piece georgian windows a
12m bell end entrance and 12m clear cruciform roof a
12m clear bell-end entrance from above a