Here at Custom Covers we pride ourselves to our commitment to quality: after every hire all stock is cleaned, checked and returned to the shelf in good working condition.
Do you have a last minute job that has just come in and you don't quite have enough stock for; well don't hesitate to get in touch with our hire department to see if this is something that we can help ease the stress off.
So what do we hold; we carry seven categories of hire stock, click below to learn more:
LED Starlight Linings
Blackout Linings
Ivory Pleated Linings
Ivory Flat Linings
White Flat Linings
Dividing Curtains
Finishing Touches
We have a large stock of black LED Starlight Roofs to hire.
LED Starlight's are very versatile and durable making them immensely popular with our clients. These robust Starlight's come with a two channel system allowing versatility to twinkle or sequence to meet your clients expectations.
Click here for technical details on our starlight linings.
Roofs, gables and walls are available in 3m & 5m bay widths to fit most structures:
Roofs, gables and walls are available in 3m & 5m bay widths to fit the following structures.
All our Pleated Linings are manufactured in a Pleated 2oz CQ Supreme
Roofs, gables and walls are available in 3m & 5m bay widths to fit the following structures.
All our Flat Linings are manufactured in a Flat 4oz CQ Supreme
We also have dividing or reveal curtains manufactured out of 4oz mid ivory in our hire stock. These are for 9m, 12m & 15m structures and work on most four channel systems.
These are great if you want to hide the band or dance area while guests are eating supper or having drinks and then can be raised to let the festivities begin.
Do you need coloured accessories to complement your function?
We hold a large stock of swags and window drapes to hire. These are available in a choice of 25 colours. Each swag is 3m in length for ease of fitting, all window drapes are manufactured to fit 2.3m and 3m leg height. To see what colour swags we have avaliable click here
Please contact our sales team for a sample colour swatch
Custom Covers commitment to service:
When time is tight and you are working to a deadline quality is important:; after every hire all Starlight's are cleaned, checked and returned to stock in perfect working conditions
Other Services: A full fitting and removal service is availiable at an additional charge please contact our Hire Team for additional details